I got a package today with the new hexagonal glitters I ordered!! SUPER PUMPED! I’m excited to start using these in upcoming mani designs. Which colour should I use first?!
I was looking for ages for a good selection of this size glitter, but the only ones I could find in my usual craft stores were the Martha Stewart ones which were $30 a set!! No way I was paying that! Instead I went on ebay and found these lovelies @ $4.60 CAN for 18 colours with free shipping. Much better. 🙂 Send me a message or email if you want the name of the seller I got these from.
Colours (L to R,):
Row one: Metallic red, metallic gold, sheer iridescent neon yellow, sheer iridescent white, sheer iridescent neon pink, sheer iridescent purple.
Row two: Metallic magenta, metallic swampy green, metallic iridescent/holographic brown (GORGEOUS, my favourite), sheer iridescent turquoise, sheer iridescent yellow, sheer iridescent light blue.
Row three: Solid black, metallic green, metallic silver, sheer iridescent neon orange, sheer iridescent light green, and sheer iridescent red.
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