ProcrastiNails: Press Release // New MoYou London Tropical Collection Plates

* Press Release 

While I recuperate and prep my blog posts from Indie Expo Canada I have some other posts that have been waiting in the wings to share with you!

Today I wanted to share a quick press release from MoYou London featuring new plates from my favourite collection – The Tropical Collection! These plates (of which there are 10, not 8 as their banner claims) have a fun mix of lettering, full nail designs, layering designs and FLAMINGOS! :O

I’m gonna be honest with you – I need each and every one of these plates. During the next sale they will be calling my name! (By then my wallet should have recovered from IEC!)

If you want to pick some up for yourself you can get them at MoYou London for £5.99 / $11 CAD each. You can also find MoYou London plates at Trade Secrets though I wouldn’t count on them to have new plates right after they come out. If you want these babies it is best to order online directly from the brand! (And be sure to check MYL’s social media as they often have free shipping promos.)

Do you think you’ll be picking any of these up? 🙂 Let me know!

Thanks for visiting! xx