Let’s get back on track with some art! Today I have a cheery rainbow bubble look for The Digit-al Dozen Does Birthdays for April. The birthday girls this month were myself (hooray!) and Uma, and we decided to choose an inspiration picture for the Digit-al Dozen girls that has a bunch of colourful bubbles floating through the air. It’s whimsical and pretty and fit for both of us. 🙂
Check under the cut for both the inspiration pic and more shots of the mani I did with it!
So this is the picture we went with for inspiration, and this is what I ended up doing with it…
Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!
When I sat down to do these I was worried because I had no idea how to do it, but by playing around and following my instincts I ended up with this lovely take on the first try!
For the base I started with a coat of black from OPI 4 In The Morning and then I painted on one coat of dark blue (with mixed glitter) with Delush Polish Bling in the Good Cheer!
With a dry base I then freehanded some circles with reflections in white acrylic paint, and then coloured it in randomly with my sheer OPI Color Paints. I didn’t end up with quite the same colour palette as the inspiration picture, but I’m still REALLY happy with it! 😀
Sometimes things just work out! I’ve been in a bit of a nail art funk so doing these nails really brought back some of my inspiration. Nails are so fun! Why did I slow down so much this month! Ahhh!!!
Let me know what you think, and thanks for visiting! xx