Okay. So I said I wasn’t going to participate in The 31 Day Challenge this year… And I really meant it… But then I saw everyone posting all their lovely looks, and I just couldn’t keep away! I’m already quite far behind (how is it the 13th already?!) but that doesn’t matter… I can do it!
To try to get done on time I’m going to be posting minimum two looks per day (except for today because I only have like 15 minutes left in the day)… I know what you’re thinking: “Katherine, that’s SO MANY POSTS!” And I know! But it’s just gotta be done! I just can’t stay away from a good nail art challenge!
Today we’re starting with my Red Nails, and tomorrow I’ll have Orange and Yellow for you! 🙂 Let’s get to it!
I started off with some smoosh marble decals using a whole bunch of reds with some white and grey for contrast. After they were applied and dry, I did my stamping on top with Konad Red Stamping Polish and MoYou London Doodles Collection Plate 07. Seal it all with my trusty Essie Matte About You (which is almost empty *tear*) because matte makes everything better and it’s done!
Doesn’t this look like a bandana to you? It does to me! Did I plan it that way? Nope! But I’m glad it turned out that way because I don’t think I would have thought to plan it. 🙂
Shhhh let’s pretend my stamping didn’t smear with top coat, okay? It’s a secret just between you and me! You can’t even tell from the normal pictures, just this tattle tale macro.
And voila! Did you know I had a bandana phase in high school? Hahah ohhhhh man. Yes I did. I had a different bandana to match each outfit I owned believe it or not. Yeah. I don’t know why I’m telling you this because it’s hella embarrasing, but there you have it! I no longer wear bandanas on my head, now they’re on my nails where all good accessories should live. 🙂
Let me know what you think! Thanks for visiting! xx