Whenever I get a collection of polishes I always get the urge to make gradients with them. Most times if they came from the same base collection they’ll work together really well (even if at first it doesn’t seem like they will), which is one of the joys of having the full curated collection (or at least a partially full collection).
The base colours I went with today are all from the China Glaze Road Trip Collection, and I decided to stamp on top of it with a fun and flowy pattern from one of my themed MoYou London plates. Can you tell which collection the plate is from, or what kind of theme it had? Take a guess and then check under the cut to see if you’re right!

Did you make your guess? Well, the answer is – it’s a seaweed design from MoYou London’s Sailor 10 Plate! Road trip + seaweed sounds like a good time to me, so I thought they would pair well together. 😉
The exact colours I used in this look are China Glaze Trip of a Lime Time, Sun’s Up Top Down, and Pop the Trunk. The stamping was done with Konad White Stamping Polish.

I was a bit worried about the colours in this gradient, but I really shouldn’t have worried because like I said earlier colours from the same collection always seem to work well together. 🙂
I really like the pop of orangeish red at the tips, and since the gradient has a sea green in it as well I’ve decided to submit this as my fill for ‘Green / Gradient’ for the 30 Days of Colour as well! 🙂 You can check out the other fills below:
Let me know what you think! Thanks for visiting! xx