ProcrastiNails: Guest Post from PhD Nails – Terry Pratchett Inspired


“It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before
you die. That is true, it’s called Life.” 

― Terry PratchettThe Last Continent

Hello dear readers. This nail art is very special for me, not only because it’s my very first guest post*, but also because it was inspired by Terry Pratchett. Super talented and bright fantasy writer Sir Terry Pratchett died last week after several years of fighting with early Alzheimers disease. He was only 66 years old. 

Terry was famous for his “Discworld book series” and those of you who read these books will probably agree with me that Death was the finest character created by him. The reader could never forget that Death always speaks as VOICE in your head, has blue lights in his eyesockets, rides the pale horse Binky, loves cats, and personally comes whenever it’s time for wizard to die. Terry Pratchett was definitely a wizard who created a fascinating universe with Discworld, where many things functioned in spite of any logic and were powered by magic instead. It’s easy to believe that Death came personally to take Terry and now he will live forever in Discworld. Sure enough with his brilliant sense of humor and making millions of fans smile through tears his last tweets were: 

11:06 AM – 12 Mar 2015
Terry took Death’s arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.


 Figure 1. Nail art “Tribute to Terry Pratchett and his

 More images with bottles.

 And without.

 Macro images of each nail.

Materials and Methods

Nail Polish:

  • Crows toes – Muspelheim (2 coats)
  • Crows toes – Loce stinks (gradient)
  • Picture polish – Mirage and Whimsy (details)
  • Mundo de Unas – Black, White, Forest and Fantasy (stamping)

Stamping Plates:

  • Bundle monster – BM 615 (Index finger)
  • HeHe – 026 and 059 (Middle finder)
  • Mundo de Unas – CZ08 (Ring finger)
  • Bundle monster – BM614 (Pinky)
  • Bundle monster – BM503, stretched turtle (Thumb)
  • Born pretty – BP16, elephants (Thumb)
* I would like to thank Katherine for this exciting opportunity to share my nail art on her spectacular blog. 


Inspiration: Discworld book
series written by Terry Pratchett.

From Katherine: WOW! These nails are simply stunning, don’t you agree? Thank you so much for sharing these with us, Alesya. For those of you reading this, if you haven’t already visited PhD Nails you need to get on that! Alesya takes gorgeous pictures and does beautiful art. And be sure to check her out on instagram and facebook, too!