ProcrastiNails: Love Is In the Air Nail Art Challenge: Cupid Stamping with Bundle Monster H17 from Nail Polish Canada

*Press Sample

Valentine's Day stamped cupid nail art using Bundle Monster plate H17

And I’m back! As promised here’s the second look for today, fill two for the nail art challenge I’m taking part in hosted by Challenge Your Nail Art. The theme for the second day was a colour you love and currently the colour I love the most is grey! I decided to use a new-to-me grey in combination with a lovely Bundle Monster stamping plate I was gifted by Nail Polish Canada for the season. 🙂 Check under the cut for more details!

Love Is In The Air Nail Art Challenge February 2015

Valentine's Day stamped cupid nail art using Bundle Monster plate H17

The grey I chose as my loved colour is Essie Armed and Ready which is a grey with a hint of gold shimmer. It’s one of the polishes I picked up during my recent run to Target for their clearance sales (sad face) so I was excited to be able to use it so soon after buying it!

I did my stamping with Bundle Monster plate H17 which is a Valentines-themed holiday plate. My adorable cupid and arrows were done with Konad White Stamping Polish and then I coloured in the tips of the arrows with Konad Red Stamping Polish and also put it on as an accent on my pinky. (Yes I used a stamping polish as a regular polish… naughty!)

Valentine's Day stamped cupid nail art using Bundle Monster plate H17

I’m really happy with this look overall. I was stumped right after I did my white stamping with trying to figure out what else the mani needed to be complete but I think the red was the perfect finishing touch.

I feel like I need to end this post with a cheesy Valentines question, hmm… 
Do you have a special someone you want cupid to hit with one of his heart-tipped arrows? (I won’t tell! Haha.)

😉 Thanks for visiting!